What next from here?

On Sun, 10 Dec 2023, 8:54 pm , <tiglaith@internode.on.net> wrote:

It’s been the best part of a week and things have been “interesting”.  Annabell has not improved, and she sleeps a lot as well as forgetting things quite a lot. She almost fell the other day transferring from her chair to the wheelchair to go to the toilet. Fortunately, I was able to move quick enough to get my arms around her and keep her from falling. Of course, she was able to use this to her advantage in that she now says that she still loves me and to prove it she just fell into my arms again :o)  We did have a telephone call   from Flinders Medical during the week which let us know that it is unlikely the operation will be this year. However, they did want assurance that if there is a cancellation, we would be available. I indicated that that would be ‘ absolutely.” Also, the temperatures this last week have been all over the place, with 39c – 32c. – 44c. 39c.  today was forecast to be 45c but THANKFULLY it never happened and since about 10pm last night it has been raining and still is.  Because of the predicted and unstable weather this weekend all our fundraising activities for this weekend were cancelled. Also, the Christmas Pageant (due this morning) was also cancelled. It is believed that this is only the beginning, and the rain will get heavier over the next 36 hours with predicted local flooding in the Eyre Peninsula (that’s us)  with between 60 and 100 ml of rain forecast.  We saw the Specialist on Thursday afternoon and he is – not overjoyed – but “pleased” that her kidney functions have improved and partly restored since the disaster of the peptic ulcer incident.

It is now 2pm Sunday  Dec. 10 afternoon and I have spent the entire morning at the A & E at the Hospital. Annabell had another major seizure at 7am  this morning and was transported to hospital. I stayed with her until about an hour ago when I came home to get cleaned up, have something to eat and shortly I will head back to the hospital. The reason I left is that they were getting her prepared for transfer from the A&E to the main hospital, so I decided I could get home then get back up with young John. Apart from which, she is still not conscious, but I expect she will be later on today. I will finish this when I get back from the hospital.

When she took the seizure this morning and was attende4d by the paramedics she was not good. Even in the hospital she was still not good. She was removed to a room in the hospital, but they were not too happy with that and decided that she needed more attention and observation that can be had in a general ward, so she was removed to the High Dependency Unit – where she currently is.  I have spent most of the day with her and she has really not improved any throughout the day. I am looking for some improvement tomorrow.  John and I had dinner together here.  I cooked dinner for both of us then we went up to the hospital to be with Annabell for a while. That’s  about as much as I can tell you. I will know something better after the doctors have been for their rounds and perhaps made some decisions. As I said, I hope for some improvement. At the moment she is still not fully conscious.

The sands of time have probably sunk.

Connor and friend

I have come to the recent conclusion that WordPress is no longer my friend. I have tried several times – in fact more than several times – to comment on Anabel’s page and on Monika’s page without much success. Yes, Anabel I was the “anonymous ” person on your site. Anyway, I think I am being told that it’s time for me to go. Probably just as well, since I have not contributed much to anything online of late. Everything is coming to an end, and I will have to change my email address soon as our provider will no longer be supporting emails. Actually, we do have a new family email which is active – and I do use it – but not in general use at the moment.

I have reverted back to my younger days and developed a “scruffy” look in that I am living on noodles, have not shaved nor had a haircut in about two months or more. Didn’t set out to do that, it just happened. Still, look on the bright side, I’m not scruffy and smelly – just scruffy  :o)  I was asked if I was planning to audition as one of Santa’s helpers this year, but then it was also suggested that I have lost so much weight I no longer meet the requirements. Oh well, back to the noodles! As for Annabell, well she is not getting any better – she sleeps a lot, and she forgets things these days. Keeps me very much on my toes. I don’t get out much – in fact, not at all really and my garden looks like Putin has paid it a visit.   I make frequent trips to the shops mainly because I cannot spend the time away from the house to make a major shopping trip, so I nip out and get a few things as I start to run out. We have completed all the tests Flinders wanted and passed them all and have had clearance for surgery.   So, we wait. I believe that it will not be this year, but I hope, early next year.  I  thought we would have had to go to Adelaide to get the inserts replaced for at least one more time. However, it’s getting a bit late in the day now.

My Companion

Benji is well. Sleeping a lot but that’s good. He is eating well and we still get out for walks – very much shorter than they used to be but a lot more frequent. Still , at least we are getting out, and that’s something! Sadly, it is starting to heat up. The temperature yesterday was 39c with today being 35c and what this means is that I can no longer take him with me on my frequent shopping trips. I cannot leave him in the car in that heat – even with the windows open (which doesn’t really do much anyway) We ” adults” understand this, but Benji just sees me going out without him. So, like yesterday, (39C) I did the shopping trip with a guilt complex :o)

There is a lot of indications that we will be in for a long hot summer with the fire danger extended. Western Australia are having major bushfire problems at the moment and I think there are bushfire problems in Queensland. If Europe is anything to go by, it’s not going to be too much ” fun in the sun” this summer.  Well, there we are. I have no idea if this will actually be posted or if there will be anything after this. I should really like to think so, but  my thinking has left a lot to be desired lately. So, we will have to wait and see what happens. I am sorry that I have not been on-line much lately, but as you can understand, there have been reasons.