Annabell, Quorn and an Orange Kitten.

Lower Ranges from Stirling North.

Well, it’s been a while, but I am still here. Nothing has changed and Quorn are still trying to find out why Annabell is like she is. The effects of the seizure in December last are still with us.  She has symptoms that are similar to dementia but it is not. What the seizure can produce is Delerium, and it was that which caused her to have conversations with her friends in the ceiling of the hospital last year.  I have been informed that sometimes delirium can take months to resolve and there are concerns that this is what is happening now.  They have taken extra blood tests and  the doctor in Quorn has been in contact with  our hospital to determine if  a brain scan has been done because there is nothing in the records, they have that indicated this – and one should have been done. I won’t find out until Monday what is being done but if the doctor here determines that there should be a scan, she will have to be moved to Port Augusta for this to take place. Other than that, she is fairly well. There are times when she does not know who I am and other times when she is quite “chatty”. Have to say though, the chatty times are few and far between.

The boys still visit Thursday and Friday but there is a bit of concern with the clocks going back, which means that it is dark when they start driving through the Pass on the way home and there can be a lot of wildlife on the road at night, particularly kangaroos. Hitting one of them can cause massive damage to your vehicle – unless your vehicle is a truck. Don’t know what we are going to do about this concern.

Since the last post I have acquired a kitten – an orange kitten — Which I don’t want! – I have tried to  take it to the RSPCA they are overloaded with cats and kittens,  and they are full and have no room. Don’t know what I am going to do and to add to my concerns – Benji does not like it, so I have to try and keep them apart I know there are lots of lovely cat people out there but I am not one of them,  This kitten is really my Neighbours but they vanish  regularly and the three kittens from the last litter  (born in MY garden) were abandoned. Two of the kittens I buried, and I really didn’t want to have to bury a third one, so I trapped it, caught it and have been looking after it – buying cat milk and kitten food. I assumed the RSPAC would help but they didn’t so for the time being I am stuck with it. And yes – that’s it on the right.  Yes, it is a cute little thing, but I am not a cat person. I would like it gone but I want to make certain that it goes to a good home and will be looked after. I have spent time and funds on this kitten, and I would like that not to be wasted.

I have been getting a little depressed of late but not with anything concerning Annabell or, indeed, my health. I am fine. What is depressing me is the house and housework. I am not getting time to get things done. I barely have time to wash and dry the dishes let alone do housework. I can manage the laundry – just stick it all in the machine, put in powder and conditioner and let it get on with things Now with a kitten to look after it is a complication I really didn’t need. I have started taking Benji with me to Quorn because I can’t leave the doors open as normal and I am not sure how he would react to the cat near his food dish. Quorn has a large fenced off garden area so I can let him loose there. I have also been allowed to bring him in so I have brought his blanket, and he sits quietly on that.

Black swans at the Wetlands.

During my two days off I have managed to take him down to the wetlands and much to my surprise I discovered that there is not just two black swans there – there are Serven of them. I thought about the seven and I remembered one was injured last year and was removed by the local vet. Perhaps it died and that is the missing eighth swan since I understand they mate for life. It was beautiful to see them and all the little ones.