Adelaide and Back again.

Rundle Mall, Adelaide

Years ago I used to drive down to Adelaide in the morning, do what I had to do then drive home. I don’t do that anymore. One time coming back from a conference I dozed off  and I was fortunate that I simply wandered into the  grass verge and woke. No harm done to either me or the car, but it gave me a right  wake up call – forgive the pun – and since then I  do not go down and back on the same day – at least not if I am driving. I will do that if I am on a coach because it’s a five and a half hour journey ( 11 hours there and back) and I can always have a quiet nap. That’s what I did yesterday ( Wednesday) . I was  disappointed that I didn’t get the Laptop  where I wanted to get it – in my preferred store –  and I thought I was going to go home empty handed..  indeed, I felt that if I jumped in a taxi  I could make the coach terminal in time for the 12:30 coach home. Then I decided to check out another store and behold, they did have the laptop I wanted at the price I wanted and a special in store 15% discount for the EOFY Sale ( End of Financial Year). How good is that?  So, yes, I have a new laptop. I’ll have to set it up over the weekend.

Was “attacked” when I got home last night. You would think I had been away for a week the welcome Benji gave me. He is really looking well and he is

The Benji.

walking well. We went out  at 6am this morning( Thursday 17th)  and  two thirds in the stroller and the last third walking and he has little blue and red lights on his collar, which I bought for him in Adelaide. Because of other things recently, although we have been walking,  we have not been down to the wetlands. I will start taking him back there again after this weekend is over.

Annabell has been fairly well since we returned from Adelaide. I had to  take her to the hospital once with a new infection but otherwise she has been pretty good. As I said last post  new tests were done and we should have the results of those in a week or so. This will determine what happens next. She tends to feel the cold more so I bought her an electric throw blanket for her chair and that keeps her warm and comfortable. Otherwise she is good. Had there been any doubt I would not  have gone to Adelaide.

On Friday morning my son picked me up and I drove with him to Adelaide. Quite a number of years ago, during a medical test it was discovered that he had a spot on his brain. At the time his specialist said  he should not be too concerned and he told him that he, personally, had two spots on his brain. It could be something or it could be nothing but it has to be monitored. We shared the driving there

Well, that would depend on which one of them I choose.

and back. Going down we became part of the roadworks convoy on the Port Wakefield Road. That wasn’t too bad although  after we had cleared the  area it did slow down the driving somewhat. It is a 40 klm stretch of road and on the way back – late afternoon – the convoy was pretty big . There is a by-pass road but knowing me, if I took that I would probably end up somewhere in the Northern Territory. Still, we did get home  about 7:30, so it wasn’t too bad. Before dropping me off we went and picked up Connor.  Benji  was glad to see me. I think Annabell said “Hello” but I couldn’t be sure  :o)  Anyway, an interesting two days to be sure and setting up the new laptop was much easier than I had anticipated. The SSD is smaller than I wanted but it will do for the moment and  Solid State Drives are not very expensive.

Wetlands, Stroller and Walking.

The Flinders Lodge

Well everything is booked for next Monday  and we set out for Adelaide, booking into the  Lodge sometime Monday afternoon. Tuesday morning I take her to the Flinders Clinic and she will go for day surgery. I don’t collect her again until around 1:30. After I  hand her over to the medical staff – who have my  mobile phone number – I  take off to Marion Shopping Centre.   After the surgery  and the Vet Bills for Benji I was going to put the New Laptop on hold, but we discussed this and  decided that I really do need a new laptop. At the last Church Conference in Norwood, it was embarrassing the way my old laptop kept falling out and had to be reset, so I need a new one. I hope to get it on Tuesday at Marion..

This last week or so has been pretty hectic with Annabell being ill and setting up a bed for her, so I can keep an edye on her              . Her recovering – well sort of – and then Benji and his operation and me sleeping on a blowup mattress on the floor beside him rather

He’s getting better.

than take him into the bedroom with me. The reason  being is that I was afraid the he would try to jump on the bed to be beside me and cause injury to himself. Or if I put him on the bed beside me he might jump off during the night and also injure himself, so  what I did do was the better option. Crazy I know, but Benji is my  dog and I look after him. Anyway, it was only for a few days.

At the moment because of the  attack, followed by the operation followed by the number of dogs we now have around here, we have been driving to the Wetlands and walking


around there. He is in the stroller, of course, and he has made lots of new friends. Sometimes it’s “Good morning Benji” then as an after thought, “Good Morning John” However, I have found that even two laps of the wenlands is only slightly more steps than the walk of the district that we used to do before  his “injury”. But it’s a good walk and we both enjoy it and the people we meet are really nice = even the joggers  who give a “morning”as they go whizzing past in the dark – and yes, most  (Me too) use a head light.  This afternoon, I put the lead (leash) on him and took him outside and had him walking for a few minutes – about six minutes in all and I am pleased to say that he did well.. He did lift his leg a couple of time but mostly he walked using all four paws, which was great. – and yes, it is the leg he lifts when he “Lifts his Leg”!  Hopefully, once we come back from Adelaide and he gets the stiches out, a few more days and we can retire the stroller for a while.. What I will do is one and a half turns in the stroller and the remaining half turn with him walking,  and see how that goes.

At the Wetlands today I saw a man who had a dog with him, but  the dog had a blue light attacked to his collar so that it tells people in the dark that there is a dog comming towards them. I thought this was a great idea. First time I have ever seen him or the dog and I didn’t get an opportunity to talk to him. There is a  “Pets Domain Shop”here so I may have a look in there in the morning, but they tend to be over-priced in many things. But that is common here. I could get the laptop I want here rather than in Adelaide, but there is a difference of over $100 in the price, so I can wait until Tuesday. The reason for the difference in prices is  “Transport

The French Connection..

During the week I  drove out to the Lighthouse and in our wander round I discovered a new  information board which tells of the exploration of the Upper Spencer Gulf,  Matthew Flinders was not the only explorer to venture up here. The French  charted the area of the Gulf up to and including what is now Whyalla, whilst Matthew Flinders explored and charted the other side. There is an information Board for Flinders but I thought the French Connection would be more interesting.  The ship was built in New South Walesd and sold to the French Government

What the French ship may have looked like.