Rain and Gala Night.

The Completed Area
The Completed Area

There are times when I think Mother Nature goes out of her way to contradict me. Only the other day ( yesterday in fact) I was saying that the rain seems to pass away from us and today – yes — it’s chucking it down. Tonight is the Mayoral Gala and apart from Showcasing arts and performing talents, it is also a fundraiser for the RFDS, so we have to be there – not everyone but enough to make a recognised appearance – Red RFDS Shirts and badges. We will also have a Merchandise Table and an Information Table. Not sure when it finishes but I don’t think it will be too late.

RFDS Aircraft
RFDS Aircraft

As it happened we did finish fairly early but I have to say it was a great night, very much enjoyed – I just need someone to explain to me how six girls from the Dance School can stand in a line on the stage wearing tap shoes and tap out six different rhythms  at the same time  :o)  As far as I am aware we did fairly well and all the proceeds of the night will be donated to us – which is fantastic. In the last five years we have raised over $151,000 for the RFDS. I think it was great that the Mayor chose us as the preferred organization.

Annabell and the ladies held their Annual Brunch. This raises funds for our local Hospital Cancer Support Unit. This year they raised just over $900 and at their meeting this afternoon they decided to make the amount up to $1000, which, really, is a fantastic effort for a few hours but then the ladies put on a great spread and it is always well attended. Not much out of the South-East, but then I never really expected any anyway.  When they say that they are going to “Rationalize”what they mean is they will abandon everything outside Adelaide. They have done this in the past so they kind of have a track record. I think they get nose bleeds if they move out of the city limits. Yes, I know, I am being unkind – I’ll feel bad about it later – probably.

It has been raining off and on for three days now. No flooding to speak of but we did have a couple of mini storms when the rain was so  heavy that it

Yogi - Our friend's dog
Yogi – Our friend’s dog

overflowed the gutters  which means water everywhere. These mini-storms didn’t last long – a sort of cloud burst if you like – but both  of the water tanks are full.  Everything outside is wet and damp and I’ve had Chienne in here with me. The noise was too much for her and she started to get anxious so I gave her half a tablet to calm her down. I made up a bed for her on my moon chair (bucket chair) then covered her with a blanket. She lay there for most of the night.

PeekaBoo - I see you.
PeekaBoo – I see you.

Next week we will be having Yogi back again. Fay was recalled to the Breast Cancer clinic and now has to go down to Adelaide for further investigation, so we will have Yogi to look after for a few days. I took herself to the clinic today and it will be three weeks before we get any results but we don’t foresee any problems. I head off to Adelaide on Tuesday so I’m looking for calmer weather. I think some showers on Wednesday but if we leave early enough we should be clear of the area before it becomes a problem.

PS: Yesterday I went back to the Art Center to be presented with a cheque  by the Mayor as the funds raised on the Gala night for the RFDS.. Had to leave where I was, go the to toilet in the Art center and get changed, then get on the stage for the presentation – photographs and interview – which was pretty cool!



Trip to the South East (pt. 2)

A small part of the many  fields of vines
A small part of the many fields of vines

As for the reason for the trip — well we are in serious decline across the state,  but what you have to remember is that when they talk about “The State” what they actually mean is “Adelaide”. We here are not in decline, we have increased and are continuing to do so, but we are not in Adelaide, so it doesn’t count. If the negotiations bear fruit – as far as the leadership is concerned –   we will lose our identity. Doubtless we will be assured that this will not be the case, but when you are managed by someone who  may well have a different outlook on things, we will come off second best especially if the  “Management”has the financial clout. However, I take heart from the poem by Dylan Thomas –
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

At the moment we are not included in their plans – which are all about Adelaide –  and although it would be nice if they just quietly forgot us, that’s not likely to happen. We may had differing views on things but one thing we do agree on is that we cannot continue on the way we are.  Things have to change and I have no doubt they  will have something  festering away in their collective minds.  However, this is not going to happen overnight – but it will happen before the year’s end.

Presently it is cold here. We did have a little bit of rain but not much here. Up north we had floods, swollen creeks (usually dry) and travelers and communities stranded. Of course it was not bad for everyone because the  farmers were quite happy.  This is always our problem – the rain bands pass north of us – so we miss out – or they pass across the bottom of the Peninsula and we miss out again. Sad really. I am always  amused when people come back from a holiday in the UK and tell me they went up to Scotland. They generally remark on how fresh and green things are and I just nod.  Things tend to be sort of fresh and green looking when you get as much rain as Scotland does.

The River Murray
The River Murray

The return journey from Naracoorte was a lot more relaxing than the journey out, but isn’t that always the case? On the outward leg everything is new and unfamiliar and you have no idea of the road conditions ahead, whereas coming back you are traveling back through familiar territory and you seem to get places faster and the South Eastern Freeway looks very different coming back than it did

Tree out back and Galah's
Tree out back and Galah’s

going out. I would loved to have taken photographs but stopping on the Freeway can mean a hefty fine. I did stay for a break at Tailem Bend and then drove through to Adelaide. It was my intention to drive directly to Bunnings but by the time I got to Adelaide I was starting to feel a little weary so Bolivar it was. I did get on the road at about 6:30 the following morning and  got all the things that Annabell wanted me to get for her. I was glad to be back home and glad to see Herself and Chienne. Chi is still fairly well. Not a lot we can do but I understand the tumor is very slow growing so we will have her for a good while yet and besides she is over 14 now.

Since I came home I have had a very busy time working in the garden and several days when I have been asked to come in to work.  I have decided – after all this time – that I am not going to get anything to grow here so a touch of landscaping with river stones is in order. Clean the area, put down weed matting, concrete

The Office Area

paving stones and cover the area with river stones (20mm). Tomorrow I’ll go to the hardware shop and get a bunch of  interesting and colourful artificial flowers and put a flower pot on either side of the door – brighten the place up a bit. The place has changed a little since I took that photograph and I now have coloured solar in ground lights.

Trip to the South-East ( Pt.1)

St. Andrew's Naracoorte
St. Andrew’s Naracoorte

Before I even left home I was being told that Naracoorte was a cold place, so I took a pile of warm clothing with me. As it turned out it was lovely for the whole time I was there – cold at night, but warm during the day. I had an excellent four days – good accommodation and lovely weather. It was also a good drive to get there, but not something I will do again. I am not a professional driver so 800klms. was a long drive for me. This was a bit silly since I was advised to break the journey, but I didn’t.

The accommodation was excellent and I really enjoyed the duck park across the road. It was

interesting sitting and watching the birds during a breaks. I didn’t spend too much time getting through Adelaide but I did stop for a little while at Tailem Bend before hitting the last 200+kms. After that I could actually sing ” I’m 500 miles from my home”.  The river looked healthy – well the part of it at Tailem Bend was anyway.

The Ferry at Tailem Bend
The Ferry at Tailem Bend

The Drive from Keith to Naracoorte was interesting in that it is part of the wine region of  South Australia and the landscape on either side of the highway was vineyards – dairy farms and more vineyards.  I did take  photographs but it really does not show the extent of the amount of  vines there were.  I saw some beautiful photographic opportunities  when drivi9ng on the Expressway  but not worth risking a hefty fine since there is no stopping unless in an emergency.

The Bonny Moorhen
The Bonny Moorhen

I did mention the park and duck pond in Naracoorte and this a photograph of one of the birds. I was not sure what it was so I asked and was told that it was a Moorhen, found in Indonesia and parts of Australia.  Lovely thing it was. We do have Moorhens in Scotland but I must admit that I had never seen one.  Annabell told me that the ducks were Mallard Ducks since I remarked on their size.

On the return journey I completed the 340 Klms from Naracoorte to Adelaide and  stayed in Adelaide for the night. Actually I really hadn’t intended to but I met up with friends and stayed longer than I had intended. I  drove out as far as Bolivar and stayed there for the night. The other reason is that Annabell wanted me to get some things for her in Port Augusta and if I had gone ahead, the places would have been closed. As it was I only managed to get half the things she wanted and placed an order for the remainder.