Traveling, Rain and a Mini-rant

Despite the fact that it’s been chucking it down all day I spent much of the afternoon, driving through the rain delivering mail for Annabell. She was the navigator and sorted the letters into

The Army are back again.

post codes so we didn’t keep wandering back and forth across town.  The church ladies are holding their Annual Brunch next week and she wanted the letters out now. It is a sad reflection on Australia Post that we could not be certain that the mail  would be delivered in time. The person who was going to attend to all this when Annabell was ill, didn’t – so hence the drive through the rain. Anyway, got them all delivered except the Letter for the Lutherans. They use a post box and the church does not have a letter box at the property. We did drive to the property but is was closed despite saying that the church office hours were 10am – 4pm Monday to Friday and it was only just after 2:45.  That was the last drop which gave me time to get to the Vet and make arrangements for the Benji ( who was in the car) to have a Parvovirus injection. As it happened, the Vet was fairly quiet so I got Benji out of the car and  the Vet gave him a check-up and the injection. Goodness he was a trooper and never flinched –  lol –  and the dog was pretty good too….

Considering what the weather was like the last two days, today is a beautiful day. Not all that warm, but nice and bright, limited cloud cover and  blue sky – a really nice day. Of course things are still wet and damp and it will probably take most of this sun for them to dry out. I think someone is  playing tricks on me. I told you how last week I did not set the alarm but I got up at the alarm time anyway – well last night I did set the alarm and was very surprised when I woke up and looked up at the skylight and saw daylight. I got up and found that the time was 7:35 – either I slept through the alarm or it did not go off. Either way I feel quite refreshed today.

Annabell is much better now and in the process of organising things for the Ladies Brunch at the church on Saturday. This is an annual event and generally well attended. We used to do this

Just Because..

kind of thing for a national charity but many people were unhappy with the money raised going out of town and the fact that after payments, wages, administration costs etc.,  only a small proportion of the funds raised actually goes to the charity. A decision was made to stop doing this and to start

Nice Day.

raising funds to donate to local organisations that we felt needed help – The  Breast Cancer Support Group / Men’s Prostate Cancer Support / Catholic Ladies Group (they supply meals to the needy and the homeless)  Isabell Smith ( a local lady who cooks and  supplies meals also to the needy and homeless ( she pays for all this on her own)). Hair to Help Wig Library, also a local Anglican Charity. It’s not that we are being parochial, we just came to the conclusion that with all the glitz and glamour and national and international TV and movie stars of the big national charities  competing for your Dollar, the small, local charities and organisations are ignored and left to struggle. We don’t talk in millions of dollars raised but we do what we can to keep our local people and organisations operational – because that’s what small towns like ours should do. Ok, I’ll be quiet and not rant any more.

The Computer Guru ( My Son) is coming over in a day or two to show me how to print off inserts for my A6 diary. Normally I have bought them from the USA but the little shop in Virginia  who did them, is not doing them anymore and other shops – large or small, now charge a fortune in postal costs to send to Australia. I tried this downloading years ago and was told to do this, this, this and this – easy.. So I did this, and this and this and what was that other thing again??? The sheer frustration, not to mention the amount of wasted paper and printer ink, and  I gave up and bought refills instead, I hope John (son) will help me sort it all out.

7 thoughts on “Traveling, Rain and a Mini-rant

  1. I can’t help laughing about the downloading problem because I usually have to ask my older brother how to do things like that. Or I wait until he comes for a visit and let him do it himself. 😁😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The problem is that it’s not just a simple download – even I can do that – but I have an A6 diary and A6 fits four times into an A4 sheet, so the entire year has to be fitted then downloaded back to back. LOL What joy :o)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Downloading is what will doom civilization, of that I am convinced. 😊 My children continue to believe there were only ‘hatched’ in an effort to help solve technical issues for their poor mother. LOL Extra ear scratches for Benji, the trooper.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Send for John – he comes – he goes to the computer and touches some magic key and everything corrects itself. Takes about two minutes and he stays for dinner. :o) Our generation created and invented these things – their generation run them.

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