Settling in: New home: New family.

Been a long day. Need rest!
Been a long day. Need rest!

Tuesday and  things are settling down. Benji has settled in well and  has the full run of the house and the yards. We have been out walking but the harness I have is just a bit tight so I will see about getting a new one today.  This has been the October Long Weekend, with Monday being Labour Day and most shops closed. Everything will be back to normal today.

Annabell has never really been a dog person but I have to say that she and Benji have taken to each other. So much so that last night he jumped up on her lap settled down and they watched TV together. I think he might be an NCIS fan. However, I do have a small problem – he gets into the car without any problem – getting him out of the car is something else again. He will  work out fine  – time and patience.

Andrew came round to visit yesterday and take Benji out for a walk – to get to know him. He was quite impressed with  the dog who is both placid and affectionate.  This morning I told him ( Benji, not Andrew)  No when he tried to jump on my lap as I was using the keyboard. He walked away, then took a leap, went over the armrest and landed on the chair at my back – where he currently is – perhaps he figures if he’s at my back and I can’t see him, I can’t say no :o) Seems logical.

This is my Good Side
This is my Good Side

Clever – sneaky, but clever.  I have had to go out a couple of times and all I see is a  furry face at the window when I go to the car and when I drive out. Annabell says he goes to his bed and then goes back to the window when he hears the car again, which means I see a furry face at the window when I come home. We took him out with us to the  Westlands Mall. Herself wanted to do some grocery shopping for the family dinner tomorrow and Benji and I went for a walk around the  area and back to the entrance, keeping in the shade.  He enjoyed that and started getting excited when he saw  Annabell coming back.

I think I am starting to recover  for what was for me a long two days. I still can’t over the fact that I came down the steep descent from Crafers to the City in the dark, when I hate  having to do it (rarely thankfully) in daylight and I have to the same journey all over again in November. The scenery was very different from this part of the world – grass, flowers,   the vines and wineries of the Limestone Coast to the forests of Penola. I didn’t get to see much of Mt. Gambier. I didn’t even get to see Mount Gambier Church since I really wanted to be in Bolivar before it got dark, which, as you know, I didn’t succeed in doing.

Anyway, he has settled in and enjoys his  two walks  each day. I take him out in the morning and again in the evening. The evening walk will get later as it gets lighter mainly to avoid the heat from the sun. According to the long range weather forecast it is to be a long, hot  dry summer with some areas having extended drought conditions.. Let’s just hope that it is not too bad.